Thursday, November 29, 2012

The beginning of my blog

I thought a lot about how to start a blog and why it would be important to me. My life has been a struggle. It still is. I am now 29 years old and have an almost 14 year old son. If you do the math I was fifteen when I had him. Three months after turning fifteen.I got pregnant at the age of fourteen. To end any misconceptions- I did not sleep around, plan this, nor will I ever say I was perfect. It happened and all my life I have tried to overcome the stigma of being a "teen mom". Statistically speaking I fall in the category of still being UN-married, my son has had brushes with authority, and his father is nowhere around. But UN-statistically not only did I graduate high school but college as well. I just graduated in June of 2012. It was a hard battle. Not just for me but him as well. Working minimal paying jobs, long hours, not enough time or money, and him having to do without to benefit in the future. This blog I hope will give hope to young girls now going through the same things and women my age so they know it is never to late to try and overcome this hard, hard battle.

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