Thursday, November 29, 2012

Teen Mom shows vs. Reality

So I watch all these teen mom shows and think to myself, "Is that what girls really think happens?" These girls get paid to do the show. When you have a baby that young there isnt a brand new Dodge Charger. There are no hair extensions or nice condos.
As I said in my opening page that being a teen mom is very hard. I have been going to college off and on now for eight years and just completed to two year degree. That may be because I did it alone. If it wasnt for my parents and family's help even now, Im not sure I would have ever finished. I had to work in order to have anything and many times I lost everything. I have been evicted so many times I cant even recall them all because of losing jobs or quitting because the schedule didnt work with my mommy schedule. I have had to have my parents buy Christmas multiple time, pay my bills, and even move back in with them. This leaving me feeling horrible as a mother. I have had utilities turned off, cars repossessed, and been locked out of my residence and lost everything we owned. I know some will think that this is being irresponsible but I was a kid. I was trying to be a mom and didnt really know how.
Little by little you will find out more about my past and how I am now to this place that is finally looking up. But for now I will say while in high school I worked five days a week at a local fast food restaraunt just to have money. I could never even afford to purchase a car. I also worked at a local diner on the weekend on bar shift just to bring in extra cash. How I even managed to graduate is still a mystery. My Junior year of high school my way out was to attend a local vocational school in order to get a comsmetology license. Up until the middle of my senior year I road the bus. With a special carseat in it so my then 2-3 year old son could go to the daycare program there.
This all going back to that show does not show girls how hard it is to actually be a mom. There no nice houses, nice cars, and I was lucky to even afford to go to a restaraunt to eat. Its a struggle everyday. and what does a kid that age know about affording, not only themselves, but a child. Sure I had a mom who helped. But money was tight and I brought in another mouth to feed.

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